autogenous vaccine

autogenous vaccine
= autologous vaccine аутогенная вакцина, аутовакцина
* * *
аутогенная вакцина

English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "autogenous vaccine" в других словарях:

  • autogenous vaccine — a vaccine prepared from a culture of microorganisms taken from the person to be treated with it …   Medical dictionary

  • autogenous vaccine — noun : a vaccine prepared from cultures obtained from a specific lesion of the patient himself and used to immunize him against further spread and progress of the same organism …   Useful english dictionary

  • autogenous — 1. SYN: autogenetic, autologous. 2. Originating within the body, applied to vaccines prepared from bacteria or other cells obtained from the affected person. Cf.:endogenous. [G. autogenes, self produced] * * * au·tog·e·nous ȯ täj ə nəs adj 1)… …   Medical dictionary

  • autogenous — also autogenic adjective Etymology: Greek autogenēs, from aut + genēs born, produced more at gen Date: 1846 1. produced independently of external influence or aid ; endogenous 2. originating or derived from sources within the same …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • vaccine — Synonyms and related words: A, B, T, antitoxin, autogenous vaccine, bang, booster, booster shot, bovine vaccine, fix, hit, humanized vaccine, hypodermic, hypodermic injection, injection, inoculation, jet injection, mainlining, narcotic injection …   Moby Thesaurus

  • autogenous — [ôt΄ə jen′ikô täj′ə nəs] adj. [Gr autogenēs (< autos, self + genesis, birth: see GENUS) + OUS] 1. self generated or self generating 2. produced in or obtained from one s own body: said esp. of a vaccine or tissue transplant: Also autogenic… …   English World dictionary

  • Аутовакцина (Autovaccine), Вакцина Аутоиммунная (Autogenous Vaccine) — вакцина, приготовленная путем выделения бактерий от больного индивидуума, их культивирования и дальнейшего уничтожения. Ранее считалось, что с помощью введения этой вакцины обратно больному у него повышается сопротивляемость организма инфекции.… …   Медицинские термины

  • Вакцина Аутогенная (Autogenous Vaccine) — см. Аутовакцина. Источник: Медицинский словарь …   Медицинские термины

  • vaccine — Originally, the live v. (vaccinia, cowpox) virus inoculated in the skin as prophylaxis against smallpox and obtained from the skin of calves inoculated with seed virus. Usage has extended the meaning to include essentially any preparation… …   Medical dictionary

  • Influenza vaccine — A vaccine is an inoculation designed to increase immunity against a specific disease. The influenza vaccine is an annual vaccine to protect against the highly variable influenza virus. Purpose and benefits of annual flu vaccination Influenza… …   Wikipedia

  • Vaccination — L Inoculation par Louis Léopold Boilly (1807). La vaccination est un procédé consistant à introduire un agent extérieur (le vaccin) dans un organisme vivant afin de créer une réaction immunitaire positive contre une maladie infectieuse. La… …   Wikipédia en Français

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